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国际蓝碳合作发展与中国的选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵鹏  胡学东 《海洋通报》2019,38(6):613-619
海洋储存了地球上93%的CO_2,是全球最大的碳库。发挥海洋固碳、储碳作用,对应对全球气候变化具有重要意义。《联合国气候变化框架公约》和《巴黎协定》是2020年后国际气候治理的基础,为国际蓝碳合作指明了方向,也提供了国际法依据。当前,国际蓝碳合作从科学研究向纳入国际气候治理方向不断推进,不少国际组织和国家已着手推动蓝碳国际规则制定。中国蓝碳资源分布广泛,特色鲜明,蓝碳发展起步阶段里中国的参与不仅是对全球应对气候变化的重要贡献,更有助于通过蓝碳合作增强我国在全球气候治理和海洋治理领域的影响力和话语权。我国蓝碳发展应从国内、国际两个方面着手。在国内夯实基础、补足短板,加强蓝碳基础研究和实践,建立蓝碳评估标准,加快蓝碳人才队伍建设。在国际上积极参与现有国际蓝碳计划,在"21世纪海上丝绸之路"等机制框架下开展双、多边蓝碳合作,推动全球蓝碳治理,从积极参与向适时引领发展。  相似文献   
Urban hierarchies are closely related to economic growth, urban planning and sustainable urban development. Due to the limited availability of reliable statistical data at fine scales, most existing studies on urban hierarchy characterization failed to capture the detailed urban spatial structure information. Previous studies have demonstrated that night time light data are correlated with many urban socio-economic indicators and hence can be used to characterize urban hierarchies. This paper presents a novel method for studying urban hierarchies from night time light data. Night time light data were first conceptualized as continuous mathematical surfaces, termed night time light surfaces. From the morphology of these surfaces the corresponding surface networks were derived. Hereafter, a night time light intensity (NTLI) graph was defined to describe the morphology of the surface network. Then, structural similarity between the night time light surfaces of any two different cities was calculated via a threshold-based maximum common induced graph searching algorithm. Finally, urban hierarchies were defined on the basis of the structural similarities between different cities. Using the 2015 annual NPP-VIIRS night time light data, the urban hierarchies of 32 major cities in China were successfully examined. The results are highly consistent with the reference urban hierarchies.  相似文献   
Climate change impact assessments form the basis for the development of suitable climate change adaptation strategies. For this purpose, ensembles consisting of stepwise coupled models are generally used [emission scenario → global circulation model → downscaling approach (DA) → bias correction → impact model (hydrological model)], in which every item is affected by considerable uncertainty. The aim of the current study is (1) to analyse the uncertainty related to the choice of the DA as well as the hydrological model and its parameterization and (2) to evaluate the vulnerability of the studied catchment, a subcatchment of the highly anthropogenically impacted Spree River catchment, to hydrological change. Four different DAs are used to drive four different model configurations of two conceptually different hydrological models (Water Balance Simulation Model developed at ETH Zürich and HBV‐light). In total, 452 simulations are carried out. The results show that all simulations compute an increase in air temperature and potential evapotranspiration. For precipitation, runoff and actual evapotranspiration, opposing trends are computed depending on the DA used to drive the hydrological models. Overall, the largest source of uncertainty can be attributed to the choice of the DA, especially regarding whether it is statistical or dynamical. The choice of the hydrological model and its parameterization is of less importance when long‐term mean annual changes are compared. The large bandwidth at the end of the modelling chain may exacerbate the formulation of suitable climate change adaption strategies on the regional scale. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
云南沿边地区包括8个地州,共56个县,其中有25个县市与老挝、缅甸和越南直接毗邻,具有重要的地缘位置。本研究利用土地利用数据和夜间灯光数据在实现云南沿边地区GDP空间化的基础上,对GDP的空间分布格局进行深入探讨,这对缩小区域经济差异及促进地区共同发展具有一定的指导意义。采用土地利用数据对国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product, GDP)数据的第一产业进行空间化拟合,采用DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据对GDP的第二、三产业进行拟合,将第一产业和第二、三产业空间化拟合的结果相加,实现云南沿边地区1992-2013年的GDP的空间化拟合。在此基础上对云南沿边地区GDP空间分布差异进行分析。结果表明:① 土地利用数据对第一产业建模的效果较好,拟合的多期数据的相对误差均低于1.12%,采用夜间灯光数据,基于“分类回归”方法对第二、三产业拟合相对误差最大仅为6.404%,最终二者之和拟合的GDP拟合精度都较好,相对误差最大仅为4.241%;② 22期GDP数据在空间分布上均呈现正的相关性,且均为显著集聚;③ GDP空间分布局部集聚的高值-高值区域集中在开远、蒙自等县域,低值-低值地区集中在绿春、西蒙等地区;④ 云南沿边地区县域之间的经济差异在1992-1996年逐渐增强,1996年之后,经济差异波动缩小,空间关联效应呈现波动式的增强和减弱;⑤ 云南沿边地区的三维插值结果均呈现出西北至东南一线的“洼地-丘陵-平地-高峰”地势变化格局,沿边地区的东南角地区即红河州的建水、个旧和开远等县市的GDP最高,“丘陵”地势主要集中在腾冲、保山市以及最南部的景洪地区,“洼地-平地”地势主要分布在沿边地区西北角的贡山和福贡等县域、西南角的西蒙和孟连等县及中部区域的绿春和江城县等地区。  相似文献   
北部湾灯光罩网渔场时空分布与海洋环境关系分析 *   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章根据大型灯光罩网渔船调查数据和卫星遥感海面风场(Sea Surface Wind, SSW)、海表温度(Sea Surface Temperature, SST)和叶绿素a浓度(Chlorophyll a concentration, Chl a)资料, 基于广义线性模型(Generalized Linear Model, GLM)对北部湾渔业资源单位捕捞努力量渔获量(Catch Per Unit Effort, CPUE)进行标准化, 应用多元线性回归等方法, 对北部湾灯光罩网渔场的时空分布及其与海洋环境的关系进行了分析。结果表明, 北部湾灯光罩网渔场适宜SST为27~29℃, Chl a为0.5~1.5mg·m -3。较高资源量出现在10月份中上旬, 分布在18°—19°N及20°—21°N海域。北部湾灯光罩网渔场的时空分布与季风、19°N附近的暖水池和Chl a等环境因素有关。  相似文献   
参对光照变化非常敏感,研究刺参对光照的分子响应非常重要。本研究应用RNA测序获取了刺参暴露于强光(“强光”)、正常光照(“对照”)和完全黑暗(“黑暗”)环境下体壁的基因表达谱情况,通过“对照”与“黑暗”,“对照”与“强光”和“黑暗”与“强光”的比较,在|log2 ratio|≥1和FDR≤0.001的标准下分别发现了1161、113和1705个差异表达基因(DEGs)。基因本体分析表明,“cellular process”和“binding”在“生物过程”和“分子功能”类别中的DEGs富集最多,而“cell”和“cell part”在“细胞组分”类别中的DEGs富集最多。将DEGs与Kyoto Encyclopedia基因和基因组数据库上的于214、41和229条通路进行比对,发现了51、2和57条通路分别显著富集。本研究发现的光特异性DEGs可作为深入研究刺参对光照变化的生化适应机制的重要目标基因。  相似文献   
利用CitesSpace软件对1997-2017年DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据进行知识图谱分析,梳理国内外研究热点与演化历史,发掘研究难点,为后来研究者提供方向。本文选取Web of Science 核心数据集数据库收录的文献,进行合著特征分析、关键词共现分析和文献共被引分析。结果表明:① 夜间灯光数据相关研究最活跃的国家、机构和作者分别是美国、中国科学院和Elvidge;② 社会经济条件估计(人口、人口密度和电力)和城市扩展变化监测一直是国内外研究的热点和前沿;③ 目前的研究难点是如何减少灯光溢出效应以及灯光过饱和现象对研究精度的影响;④ 研究学科交叉性强,涉及地理学、测绘科学与技术、应用经济学、社会学等领域。因此,未来的研究趋势主要表现在数据处理方法的优化、研究领域的拓展以及深化已有研究成果3个方面。  相似文献   
Solar photocatalytic decolorization and detoxification of batik dye wastewater using titanium dioxide (TiO2) immobilized on poly‐3‐hydroxybutyrate (P(3HB)) film was studied. The effects of initial dye concentration, catalyst concentration, P(3HB) film thickness, and fabrication methods of the nanocomposite films were evaluated against methylene blue, a standard organic dye. It was observed that 0.4 g of P(3HB)‐40 wt% TiO2 removed 96% of the color under solar irradiation. P(3HB) and TiO2, mixed concurrently in chloroform followed by stirring for 24 h showed a more even distribution of the photocatalyst on the polymer surface and yielded almost 100% color removal. The photocatalytic films were able to completely decolorize real industrial batik dye wastewater in 3 h and induced a chemical oxygen demand (COD) reduction of 80%. Reusability of the 0.4 g P(3HB)‐40 wt% TiO2 film in decolorizing the batik dye wastewater was also possible as it gave a high consistent value of decolorization percentage (>80%) even after the sixth repeated usage. Recovery step of the photocatalysts was also not required in this simple treatment system. The decolorized batik dye wastewater had less/no toxic effects on mosquito larvae, Aedes aegypti, and microalgae, Scenedesmus quadricauda indicating simultaneous detoxification process along with the decolorization process.  相似文献   
The numerical predictions obtained with the Melanie and MIT-E3 models are compared. Firstly, the performance of the constitutive models is checked against undrained triaxial tests. The models are then used to replicate the behaviour of an embankment built on soft clay. The numerical results are compared with the field data in terms of settlements, lateral displacements and excess pore pressures. Additionally, the numerical predictions are also analysed in terms of yield area, contours of vertical effective stresses, horizontal effective stresses and shear stresses and in terms of effective stress paths.  相似文献   
新疆且日克其菱铁矿床赋存于下志留统温泉沟群中低级变质岩系中,由三个矿段组成,总体呈层状、似层状、透镜状.矿石稀土含量较高(∑REE=740.97 ×10-6~820.21×10-6),轻稀土富集(LREE/HREE=13.17~14.74)的特征暗示了矿床形成于弱-中碱性的含矿溶液;明显的Ce正异常(δCe=3.25~...  相似文献   
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